LDP Author Guide

Mark F. Komarinski

VA Linux Systems


Jorge Godoy

Conectiva S.A.
Publishing Department



David C. Merrill


List the tools, procedures, and hints to get LDP authors up to speed and writing.

Table of Contents
1. About this Guide
1.1. Purpose / Scope of this Guide
1.2. About the LDP
1.3. Feedback
1.4. Copyrights and Trademarks
1.5. Acknowledgments and Thanks
1.6. Documents
2. Introduction to the LDP and DocBook
2.1. The LDP
2.2. DocBook
2.3. Why DocBook instead of HTML or other formats?
2.4. Writing in DocBook XML
2.5. For New Authors
2.6. Mailing Lists
3. The tools
3.1. DSSSL
3.2. DocBook DTD (version 4.1 or 3.1)
3.3. Jade
3.4. Jade wrappers
3.5. Editing tools
3.6. CVS
3.7. Other/Reference
4. Using DocBook Tags
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Configuration needed
4.3. Creating and modifying catalogues
4.4. Writing with DocBook elements
4.5. Encoding Indexes
4.6. Inserting Pictures
4.7. Tables
4.8. Listings and program codes
4.9. Crediting Translators and Converters
4.10. Tools & Hints
4.11. Document samples
5. LDP Style Guide
5.1. Deciding on a Subject
5.2. Developing an Outline
5.3. Writing the Text
5.4. Editing and Proofing the Text
5.5. Maintaining Your HOWTO
5.6. References
6. Additional Style-related Items
6.1. Date formats
6.2. Graphics formats
6.3. DocBook Versions
6.4. Obsolete Tags
6.5. Tag Minimization
6.6. Conventions
7. Tips and Tricks with DocBook
7.1. Including Images
7.2. Naming separate HTML files
7.3. Using ldp.dsl
8. Distributing your documentation
8.1. Before you distribute
8.2. Copyright and Licensing issues
8.3. Submission to LDP
8.4. Maintaining Your HOWTO
9. FAQs about the LDP
List of Tables
4-1. Useful commands
4-2. Example Table
List of Figures
3-1. epcEdit screen shot
3-2. nedit screen shot
3-3. Adding shell commands to nedit
3-4. nsgmls output on success
List of Examples
4-1. Example of catalogue
4-2. Code for the generation of an index
4-3. Use of the attribute zone
4-4. Usage of values startofrange and endofrange on the attributeclass
4-5. Inserting a picture
4-6. Using <imageobject>
4-7. Inserting tables
4-8. Script compiles-sgml
4-9. Stylesheet to insert summaries in articles
4-10. Configuring an external entity to include the index
4-11. Use of parameter entities